Month: January 2013

  • Install weinre Server on OS X for Adobe Edge Inspect (a.k.a. Adobe Shadow)

    Use npm to download and install weinre:

    npm install -g weinre

    Launch weinre:

    weinre --boundHost -all-

    Change weinre server for Adobe Edge Inspect:

  • Adobe Community: Application manager stuck in another language

    If the user interface is in the incorrect language here is how to fix it on the Mac, in this case setting the user interface languge to English :

    1. Open the Mac OS X System Preferences and in the Personal strip at thetop click on Language & Text.
    2. On the Language tab click on the ‘Edit ListŠ’ button and uncheck all languages other than English.
    3. Download the Adobe Application Manager from here and reinstall it.

    The user interface should now be in English.

    You can confirm the Install language by clicking on your Name in the top left. In the drop-down menu choose Preferences. See that the language field is set to ‘English (North America)’. If not you can change it. The scroll bar on the right is small but you can use the up and down arrow keys to navigate too.

    via Adobe Community: Application manager stuck in another language.

  • About | Infinite-Realities

    Infinite Realities® is the 3D scanning service provided by Lee Perry-Smith, the leading 3D modelling and Scanning specialist based in Suffolk, UK.

    Infinite Realities® Director Lee Perry-Smith is an award-winning artist with a lifelong passion for capturing and imaging the human form. Completely self-taught, he began drawing at a young age, and received his first paid commission at 12. He has over fifteen years’ experience in computer graphics and has worked in-house for a number of leading Computer Games Developers and Visual Effects Studios, focusing on the creation of realistic human models. He founded Infinite Realities® in 2007.

    via About | Infinite-Realities.

  • Update Mini Automatically to Avoid Expiring

    自动更新 Mini 测速文件防止测速文件过期