Recently I’m trying to switch from deprecated CentOS to Debian but found the default Vim configurations on Debian enables mouse option is driving me nuts. You can add the following option in /etc/vim/vimrc.local
to disable it:
set ttymouse=
Recently I’m trying to switch from deprecated CentOS to Debian but found the default Vim configurations on Debian enables mouse option is driving me nuts. You can add the following option in /etc/vim/vimrc.local
to disable it:
set ttymouse=
目前網上各種不靠譜的自動化安裝腳本不計其數。 nginx + PHP-FPM 教程也不多,本篇備忘錄重點針對 PHP-FPM 安裝,參考 nginx 官方 docs 與 Slicehost wiki 編寫而成