Monthly Archives: April 2013

China Telecom: Huawei HG8245 ONT Super Admin Password

local-machine$ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

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Copyright by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


BusyBox v1.4.1 (2011-07-29 10:25:20 HKT) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

WAP(Dopra Linux) # cat /mnt/jffs2/hw_ctree.xml | grep telecomadmin | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F "=" '{print $2}' | sed 's/"//g'
WAP(Dopra Linux) # 

You are not Steve Jobs — Editors’ Picks — Medium

A young CEO storms through his start-up, a tiny Godzilla, crushing the feelings of his staff like so many Japanese paper maché buildings. He rubs his forehead in meetings and loudly ponders why no one is as smart as he is. No ideas are to be considered for the product unless he initiated them. He is trying his damnedest to be just like his recently departed hero — Mr. Steve Jobs.

via You are not Steve Jobs — Editors' Picks — Medium.

Configuring & Using Profile Manager 2 in OS X Mountain Lion Server |

Profile Manager first appeared in OS X Lion Server as the Apple-provided tool for managing Apple devices, including Mobile Device Management (MDM) for iOS based devices as well as Profile management for OS X based computers, including MacBooks, MacBook Airs, Mac Minis, Mac Pros and iMacs running Mac OS X 10.7 and up. In OS X Mountain Lion, Apple has added a number of new features to Profile Manager, most notably the ability to push certain types of apps to mobile devices.

via Configuring & Using Profile Manager 2 in OS X Mountain Lion Server |

警惕 Mac App Store 上的 QQ for Mac 2.3.0 更新

此次 2.3.0 的更新有如下内容:


  1. 因为 apple 审核规则限制,我们取消了菜单栏的新建 qq 按钮,仅支持 command+n 快捷键新建 QQ.
  2. 新增文件盒子功能
  3. 新增请求与通知集成面板
  4. 传文件面板界面优化
  5. Retina 下截图支持尺寸选择
  6. 截图功能可独立使用
  7. 新增快速登录插件,支持快速登录腾讯服务
  8. 修复了提取消息卡顿的问题
  9. 修复了 Retina 下头像模糊的问题

「支持 command+n 快捷键新建 QQ」,是不是感觉很牛屄?「新增快速登录插件,支持快速登录腾讯服务」屌爆了有没有?第一次运行后,有如下提示:

当然是全部取消勾选,然后通过 CleanMyMac 2 的检测,我们发现有一个 QQ Login Item:


通过查看 launchctl 的手册我们可以发现,一般开机运行有以下几处:

  • ~/Library/LaunchAgents Per-user agents provided by the user.
  • /Library/LaunchAgents Per-user agents provided by the administrator.
  • /Library/LaunchDaemons System wide daemons provided by the administrator.
  • /System/Library/LaunchAgents OS X Per-user agents.
  • /System/Library/LaunchDaemons OS X System wide daemons.

但在上述目录中完全找不到 QQ 的影子,我们也懒得一点点查了,总之很厉害有没有?

然后我们接着打开系统防火墙,发现了奇怪的东西: 是什么?通过搜索 QQPlatform,我们发现这玩意好像并不是什么好东西,被 多个网站 定义为 Trojan.agent 和 Trojan-Downloader.agent 木马,具体那东西做了啥我们也懒得开 Charles 一点点抓了,总之把 conn 给 block 掉

另外值得一提的是之前提到的「新增快速登录插件,支持快速登录腾讯服务」,是需要去腾讯官网下载的,Sandbox 立功了:


  • 一定要开防火墙
  • OS X 上最好不要安装中国 app,随着 Mac 的越来越流行,国内的大老板们肯定会盯上这块肉
  • 有 Mac App Store 的版本不要用官网下载的版本
  • 如果必须要装,请不要在主力机上装,比如我们就装在 Mac mini with OS X Server 上,要用的时候通过 VNC 来使用