Tag: Excel

  • Microsoft 365 Excel Performance Hack for UHD Displays in Windows

    If you have a large spreadsheet to edit (ie. 10k+ columns) with your UHD display (ie. 4K or higher resolution) in Microsoft 365 Excel you may have some performance issues when scrolling.

    I just found an easy hack that works for me:

    1. Check Disable hardware graphics acceleration in Excel under File – Options – Advanced – Display section
    2. Exit Excel
    3. Change your display resolution to 1920×1080
    4. Change text scale to 100%
    5. Open the spreadsheet you need to edit with Excel
    6. Change your display resolution back to native resolution
    7. Change text scale back to your original option (ie. 200%)
    8. See magic happens

    This hack works until you exit your Excel. So you have to redo step 3-8 when openning new documents.