Tag: SSH

  • Storm SSH Alternative for fish Shell

    It seems storm is no longer updated for years. So I found it’s actually really simple to implement Storm SSH’s searching feature via a simple function:

    function sshgrep
      grep -i -E -C 3 $argv ~/.ssh/config.d/*


    ssh grep ixion
    /Users/sparanoid/.ssh/config.d/server-aws.conf-  Port 22
    /Users/sparanoid/.ssh/config.d/server-aws.conf-  User ssh-user
    /Users/sparanoid/.ssh/config.d/server-aws.conf:Host ixion
    /Users/sparanoid/.ssh/config.d/signcl-aws.conf-  HostName
    /Users/sparanoid/.ssh/config.d/server-aws.conf-  Port 22
    /Users/sparanoid/.ssh/config.d/server-aws.conf-  User ssh-user
  • Restart Transmission from Synology Terminal

    /var/packages/transmission/scripts/start-stop-status stop
    /var/packages/transmission/scripts/start-stop-status start


    synopkg restart transmission
  • Restart macOS Screen Sharing Service via SSH

    Sometimes screen sharing service on your headless Mac mini may crash. This should fix the issue:

    sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.screensharing.plist  
    sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.screensharing.plist
  • Upgrade UniFi Cloud Key Firmware via SSH

    First download latest firmware from Ubiquiti download page, then execute the following command on UniFi Cloud Key via SSH:

    ubnt-systool fwupdate https://dl.ubnt.com/unifi/cloudkey/firmware/UCK/UCK.mtk7623.v0.13.10.e171d89.190327.1752.bin
  • rsync and sudo over SSH | crashingdaily

    I do not have a root password for many of the servers I interact with so I can not SSH directly in as the root user. Also, the ssh daemons are wisely configured with ‘PermitRootLogin’ s…

    Source: rsync and sudo over SSH | crashingdaily