用 LaunchBar 替换掉了 Alfred

界面,功能都要强于 Alfred,制定性和 QS 也有一拼,现在 Macupdate 在打折,不过最近的更新进度不是很快,而且到现在也没上 Mac App Store,先用着再说

如果看了本文你也想试试 LaunchBar,往下看:

  • 开机自动运行?需要右键点 Dock 上的图标选择 Open at Login
  • 各种索引内容的设置在程序菜单的 Index-Show Index 里

Single Seat License 的限制比较坑爹,具体是:

You may install and use (“RUN”) one copy of the SOFTWARE on a single computer. The primary user of the computer on which the SOFTWARE is installed may make a second copy for his or her exclusive use on a portable computer.
