Nginx Notion Proxy

What these configs do:

  • Proxy all traffic from Notion to your custom domain notion.example.tld and deliver it to your clients
  • WebSocket proxy support
  • Image local disk caching support
  • Correct URL rewriting
  • Get access logs from real request IPs

This post is a proof of concept proxying a general XaaS without using any vendor-locked FaaS such as Cloudflare Workers or AWS Lambda.

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Nginx Multiple Upstreams with HTTPS Support

This example can make sure all requests to the upstreams are handled via HTTPS.

upstream source.example.tld {
  server s1.example.tld:443;
  server s2.example.tld:443 max_fails=2 fail_timeout=5s;
  server s2.example.tld:443;

server {
    proxy_pass https://source.example.tld/;
    proxy_ssl_protocols     TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
    proxy_ssl_verify        off;
    proxy_ssl_session_reuse on;

Nginx `nodelay` Option in Action

The nodelay option for limit_req can delay excessive requests but it’s not desired in some situations. I just found an intuitive way to show the difference while tweaking the GitHub Avatar proxy.

Every grid is an image loaded from GitHub avatar.

With nodelay:

Without nodelay:

So in my use case with nodelay option can make clients feel faster loading. But may hit request limit more easily. Without nodelay keep excessive requests in the burst bucket and load them in sequence. But clients may feel slow.

Remove Tencent Cloud (QCloud) Cloud Monitor

bash /usr/local/qcloud/stargate/admin/
bash /usr/local/qcloud/YunJing/
bash /usr/local/qcloud/monitor/barad/admin/

rm -rf /usr/local/sa
rm -rf /usr/local/agenttools
rm -rf /usr/local/qcloud

process=(sap100 secu-tcs-agent sgagent64 barad_agent agent agentPlugInD pvdriver )
for i in ${process[@]}
  for A in $(ps aux | grep $i | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
    kill -9 $A

# Optional
chkconfig --level 35 postfix off
systemctl stop postfix
systemctl mask postfix

Disable Vim Mouse on Debian

Recently I’m trying to switch from deprecated CentOS to Debian but found the default Vim configurations on Debian enables mouse option is driving me nuts. You can add the following option in /etc/vim/vimrc.local to disable it:

set ttymouse=

GMMK Pro Restores to Original Firmware from VIA

Minimal guide how to flash GMMK Pro keyboard from factory firmware to VIA firmware and vice versa.

Factory firmware to VIA firmware

  • Download VIA firmware
  • Download QMK Toolbox
  • Unplug your keyboard and reconnect it while holding the spacebar and B at the same time
  • You should see a message in the QMK Toolbox that indicates that your board is in STM DFU Bootloader Mode.
  • Load the VIA firmware and press Flash

VIA firmware to factory firmware

  • Download factory firmware (Backup)
  • Unplug your keyboard and reconnect it while holding the ESC (The official guide is wrong that tells you to hold spacebar and B)
  • You should see a message in the QMK Toolbox that indicates that your board is in STM DFU Bootloader Mode.
  • Load the factory firmware and press Flash